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Filename Description Size Category Date
Lag Fight at the Sat Special.wmvwatch some brutal heavy frekin weird Lag Fights from the ATG Special of 05.06.0424395 KB
09.06.2004 01:17:45
Parameter.rarThis is Nix's masterpiece which won Pterodons Custom map Contest,...good job Nix and those who helped develop it...

General Info:
Parameter was primarily built for CTF, although it also contains other modes.
The map is small/medium sized and has a quite simple concept;
the river is dividing US and VC side.
Ideal both for close & long distance combat...

Exclusive Features:
- Two daylight settings: sunny noon time & afternoon/dusk rainy weather!

- Both VC & US Coop modes!

Game modes:

ATG (12pl.) Assault team game.

ATG with bots (8pl.) Assault team game with/against ai.

CTF (12pl.) Capture the flag.

CTF with bots (8pl.) Capture the flag with/against ai.

CoopUS (6pl.) US Cooperative.

CoopVC (6pl.) VC Cooperative.

DM (12pl.) Death match.

DMC (12pl.) Death match classic.
Same as DM but you can select weapon at the beginning.

TCA (20pl.) Team coordinated assault. (20pl.)
A map has 2 flags per side, the team must capture both
and coordinate the return of the flags to the base,
so they arrive back within a short period of time.
US base is watchtower, while VC's base are ladders.

TDM (12pl.) Team death match.

TDMC (12pl.) Team death match classic.
Same as TDM but you can choose weapon at the beginning.
24338 KB
04.07.2006 16:36:01
Meatgrinder_Night_27_04_part1.rarThe 1st Part of the Meatgrinder Night of 27 04 200424234 KB
28.03.2004 20:11:29

Coop map for VC1 modified by Forman, Alpha Team,

Map is based on the XIENG_XEU_BETA_01 map by Chavez. There are added fog (visibility about 85 m) and some objects (rocks, stones, towers, huts,...). Respawn points are moved to another place of the map.

A recent air reconnaissance revealed a small fortified place in the Houaphan province in Northeastern Laos. It is surrounded by large limestone mountains and rice fields. Your elite team will parachute 2 km from the target and strike at dusk. Your mission is to take out all enemy forces in this remote area. Take no prisoners, all enemy forces must die?

10 players
52 VCs
24207 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
09.06.2016 21:06:23

Coop map for VC1 modified by Forman, Alpha Team,

Map is based on the XIENG_XEU_BETA_01 map by Chavez. There are added fog (visibility about 85 m) and some objects (rocks, stones, towers, huts,...).
This map is the same as [AT]Houaphan map but you will fight as Vietcong to kill all enemy US soldiers.

A squad of 52 US soldiers has just infiltrated our supply camp in the Houaphan province in Northeastern Laos. You and your comrades must kill all the enemies and regain the control of this area.

10 players
52 US soldiers
24206 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
05.07.2016 01:10:43
AmbushReDuxVCC_b.rarAmbush Redux VCC b

Scripts : Shogun
Mode : Coop
Players : 10
24101 KB
31.08.2012 19:37:15
Power_Station 2.4.rarPower_Station 2.4

Water power station with a VC village nearby

Author : Unknown
24018 KB
04.07.2006 16:52:40
TMG-AmbushB3.rarTMGAmbush_20110604200715.jpgTMG-Ambush with a modified RW game mode for the TMG 7 years birthday party.23985 KB
04.06.2011 20:07:18
GKA-PrisonEscape_VC.rarGKA - Prison Escape VC

Author : *GKA*Ghost
Mode : Coop VC
Players : 10
23916 KB
02.09.2012 01:31:12
If.....wmvA collection of clips and screenshots featuring some of our regulars.

Hope you enjoy!

BTW, If you download it to a target, rather than click "Download" you will have to add '.wmv' to the end of the file name (thx WRX).
23668 KB
21.10.2004 20:44:30

Game modes:
Cooperative - 10 players versus 52 VC
CTF - 20 U.S. versus 20 VC

Coop Mission debriefing:

Intel reports a mass buildup of supplies and munitions in the Numenor City. Eliminate all Vietnamese enemies to suppress their intentions.

Compliments of VETMET

Rick (Chavez_US)
23646 KB
14.07.2008 03:42:10
[AT]Cutthroat_Base_plus.zipCutthroat Base 1_20091007230011.jpg[AT]Cutthroat_Base+
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

This is a new version of [AT]Cutthroat_Base map.

Map was optimized for better fps (but don't expect an extreme rising).

Map is a remake of Saville_v2(beta) map by Leopard[RR]. Original map is very interesting but it is without coop mode. I have thought this map also would deserve coop mode.
Improvements compared to original:
Some new walls, new objects (entering tower at the respawn points, prison, toilets, shower room, kitchen, commander office, etc.)
Added new uniform skin.
New skins for M16, Sten and M60 (for FPV and 3rdPV too).

Your team has just descended into the second perimeter of "cutthroat base", which is a secret mountain camp of elite NVA fighters. Now you have to get into the middle of the base through an underground corridor to eliminate all the NVA cutthroats.

10 players
53 VCs
23554 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
04.07.2014 19:09:31
MCFTemple.rarphoto1_20130211002941.JPGA map, swamps, a temple rather good to keep(guard).


By [MCF]Tocra@

23409 KB
22.02.2013 17:23:09
VET_FRONTVC.rarVC intel has indicated a nearby US firebase. Mission is to locate the US firebase and take it out. Youll need a full team of highly trained VC Regulars and possibly two medics. Good Luck!

compliments of VETMET (Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team)

visit our website at your convenience

23375 KB
28.02.2006 05:29:40
[AT]Cutthroat_Base_plus_fog.zipCutthroat Base 1_20091007233149.jpg[AT]Cutthroat_Base+_fog
Coop map for VC1 created by Vaclav, Alpha Team,

This map is the same as [AT]Cutthroat_Base+ but there is a worse visibility by reason of thick fog (visibility is about 50m - for players and bots too).

10 players
53 VCs
23331 KB
Alpha Team [AT]
21.10.2009 01:17:39
VET_AMBUSHVCCoop.rarThe U.S. soldiers are attempting to hold a group of islands off the coast. We must not allow the yanks to estblish a stronghold on our soil. We attack immediatley during daylight hours, and show no mercy!

Coop Mode - 10 VC soldiers vs. 52 well armed Americans...Good Luck!
23263 KB
28.08.2005 04:07:38
nammoi-fgmd-mp.zipNamMoi by fRagiLeMOD / Vietcong Maps

Game modes: CTF, ATG, DM, TDM and Coop

23253 KB
04.07.2006 16:47:48

20 US

This is our base on Nui Pek, where we meets before missions. Perfect for briefings etc.

23172 KB
25.11.2007 15:50:29
Hopeless.rarHopeless by GAI Leopard

"Outpost" with some nice changings
23129 KB
04.07.2006 16:46:51
bonez_freakshow2.rarU wonder why I´m still Private ?
Well ... here´s the reason
23068 KB
23.03.2004 15:03:24
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Total of 647 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma