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Filename Description Size Category Date
VC2_INC.rarHere are all of the scripts provided to me by (which is now non-existant) for VC2 editing...

There are numerous scripts here...Additionally you may find it difficult to mix scripts from Honzo, Maxovo, and Shigor to solve coop scripting...

What i was told is, not to mix them, if you use shigors scripts,...strictly use his scripts for that game mode...if you mix Shigors script with Maxovo's scripts you will get numerous errors, and can not finalize a map...If you use Maxovo scripts then strictly use Maxovo scripts...etc...

These scripts will go into your:

VC2 editor/dev/compiler after you extract this there you will have:

VC2 editor/dev/compiler/inc

Rick (Chavez_US)
198 KB
06.09.2009 21:52:31

nice custom coop map

map creator : [AGU]sheppo
4609 KB
09.02.2012 18:42:24

Players : 10
Mode : coop
Map : GerWars
14834 KB
31.08.2012 14:11:30
GW_remmiround_v2.rarGW REMMI ROUND V2

Map by Gerwars
Players : 10
Mode : coop
10830 KB
15.09.2012 17:57:30
Cement_Dust4b.rarCEMENT DUST 4b3632 KB
31.08.2012 18:58:07

Players : 10
Mode : Coop
Map by Gerwars clan
33409 KB
31.08.2012 16:19:25
HD_BongSon_V3.rarHD BONGSON V3

Custom map by Hotdog
Scripts : Hotdog, Shogun, Ando
Mode : Coop
Players : 6

Don't shoot villagers...
10283 KB
31.08.2012 19:20:57
VC2_mpbetatesting_teaser_high_res.aviA video showing some action from the last Vietcong 2 multiplayer beta testing session.

DivX format, high resolution version.
36906 KB
26.04.2006 14:00:48

Map by Hotdog

Players : 10
VC : 53

Very nice and hard mission
40471 KB
28.08.2012 15:02:10
GW Nang.rarGW NANG

Players : 10
Mode : Coop
Map : GW

Good map on the riverdale terrain
32835 KB
30.08.2012 10:13:11

Some fun coop map that is played online

map creator : edd
4567 KB
09.02.2012 11:20:42

Starting with the basics. This content has been availiable over the last 8 years. There are some fixes i have personally made to "some" objects in these packs. Not physically changed the objects size, but improved the polygon counts, and re-UVW mapped the textures.

Some objects have to be manipulated/scaled on different axises to make them realistically sized.

Place the .bes files into the objects file, and the textures into the tex file. Rebuild texdatabase, in the editor, and re-open your terrainname.sco ... In your editor panel, underneath "Current Level" there will be a subfolder named OBJ or OBJECTS. Click on the plus sign, and all of the bes'es will be there for you to click on and check out. If a texture appears white, then you have two textures of the same name in a tex folder within the main tex folder. Simply delete one of the duplicates.

Next uploads will be categorized, and new (some brand new)
More to come over the next couple of days.

Rick (Chavez_US)
19130 KB
29.02.2012 09:29:54

Nico73, Canadas fiercest quickfight player, shares his TMG memories. 10,7 MB of hardcore coop. Don't try this at home, we're trained professionals.
10662 KB
09.04.2005 22:31:32

Presentation :
After Intrusion, BrownWater is the second custom map I created with a very strong "Vietnam look"...
BrownWater has nothing really "special" but I can garantee you a very immersive mission in a deathfull Mekong Delta! ;)

The mission :
October 12th, 1967, 15:00. Fist Alpha has been sent to the South Vietnam to help the US Navy in its Brown Water War. We were patroling onboard 2 Boston Whalers till the water level became too low and obstructed by trees. We now have to continue on foot...

Modes :
The "classic one" we all know, with...
-Addition of extra weapons (they will depend of the mission)!
-The weapons will disappear if you drop them on the ground but...
-Extra weapons will reappear.

The "classic one" we all know but...
-WITHOUT the extra weapons!
-The weapons WON'T disappear if you drop them on the ground!
-Kills and Deaths are hidden by pressing the "TAB" key.

This "mode" is the Coop one but without the vc bots; ideal to "discover" the map, set tactics, take screenshots or...whatever!
In this mode, don't use the whole team as the respawn method or avoid to die (no respawn)!

Map specifications :
-US players: 8
-VC bots: 55
-Modes: Coop, Coop', Discovery
-Extra weapons: YES
-Ammoboxes: 6 (ON/OFF)
-Skins by default: YES (original, with stripes)
-VC + FA compatible only (1.60 patch)!

-Read me file included.
-Date of release: 01/01/20


21583 KB
05.01.2020 18:11:32
Dont try this at home2.wmvDont Try This At Home2
"Enemy Behind"
29247 KB
19.05.2004 14:21:06
DenCuai_VCCa.rarDen Cuai VCC a

Nice custom map by Shogun (

Mode : Coop pilot
Objective : find the pilot and escort him to extraction zone
Players : 10
13097 KB
31.08.2012 16:41:34
TMG-AmbushB3.rarTMGAmbush_20110604200715.jpgTMG-Ambush with a modified RW game mode for the TMG 7 years birthday party.23985 KB
04.06.2011 20:07:18

A coop with objectives on FragiLeMod's ThanhHoa classic.

Mode : TourCoop
Player : 10
VC : 54
Status : stable
28552 KB
18.01.2012 01:27:46
PipeLine_V2.rarPipeLine V2

Scripts by Shogun on the PipeLine map
Players : 10
Mode : Coop
8039 KB
31.08.2012 19:15:33
AmbushReDuxVCC_b.rarAmbush Redux VCC b

Scripts : Shogun
Mode : Coop
Players : 10
24101 KB
31.08.2012 19:37:15
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Total of 647 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma