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The Vietcong have well established a base at Waterstation. Your mission is "Search and Destroy" the VC. This is a night mission, the lighting is poor, be on guard.

12 US Coop versus 51 VC
CTF: 16 versus 16

Compliments of VETMET (Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team)
Special mention to SAS OZ for making this map and keeping this game alive for all of us to enjoy...

Chavez_US (Rick)
28402 KB
15.07.2007 16:37:56
XIENGXEUBETA01.rarXieng Xeu Village
It is rumored Laos has been harboring enemy VC guerillas in the caves and valleys of Northeastern Laos. Intel has discovered a small, fortified place local villager?s call ?Xieng Xeu,? located in the Houaphanh Province. It is surrounded by large limestone mountains, and rice fields near the Nam Neua River. You, and your elite special-forces team, will parachute, in darkness, to your target landing zone at 0500 hours. At dawn you will regroup with your team to complete your mission. Your mission is to take out all enemy forces in this remote area. Take no prisoners, all enemy forces must die?
Current game modes:
US COOP - 10 vs. 52 AI
CTF - 20 US vs. 20 VC
16099 KB
24.04.2013 10:26:54
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Total of 82 files
Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma