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FilenameTMG-MedicPatrolBeta5.rar (232) Download Link to file
Size8582 KB
Uploaded04.12.2004 14:37:34 / Don Turtuma
Downloads2100 / 25.03.2024 23:21:07
DescriptionTMG-MedicPatrol BETA 5 by Don Turtuma, based on the Vietcong single player campaign mission.


- Play Coop as a Vietcong fighter!
- ATG, CTF, Coop, KOTH, TourCoop and TT game modes
- New mission type for Coop: Assassination
- Mission objective: Assassinate the Cpt.Rosefield!
- AI uses mounted weapons
- New game modes: TourCoop and KOTH (King of the Hill)

This release has the latest versions of my (Tour)Coop and KOTH game scripts.

Read the included TMG-MedicPatrolBeta5.txt file for more information.


Comments (1) Add comment

03.02.2007 09:17:32 by WT
any chance to have that king of the hills and assassination mode scripts one day Don? i like that map

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma