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FilenameTheEmbassy.rar (598) Download Link to file
Size34844 KB
Uploaded31.05.2008 22:10:53 / Chavez
Downloads1141 / 10.04.2024 13:26:11
DescriptionThe Embassy (VC2 map converted to VC1)

12 Coop players versus 50 ruthless VC
16 versus 16 - CTF

Mission description to be updated at a later date...

Compliments of SAS OZ from the Vietnam Elite Teamwork Map Editing Team (VETMET)

Rick (Chavez_US)

Comments (5) Add comment

31.05.2008 22:25:57 by *Ghost*
Nice conversion.....shame about the very low frame rate :( i found it too laggy to play

01.06.2008 01:06:10 by Chavez
You need yo upgrade your computer perhaps. My frame rates were between 20 and 45 on my P.O.S. Dell computer (which is good playability in any standard) may want to check the settings of your game (in options menu). Rick

01.06.2008 17:59:13 by Paula
nice one! thanks for the good work!

02.06.2008 17:26:33 by Silent Bob
A really awesome map. I love it

02.06.2008 20:47:22 by *Ghost*
More like i think i need to format my comp and reinstall vietcong ,ive seem to of gathered shed loads of stuff relatng to vietcong from my map building my vc is abit laggy on some maps....Well us at GKA played this map and i was the only one who lagged...

But deffo not my comp...stats :D

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma