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FilenameAirPort.rar (177) Download Link to file
Size20795 KB
Uploaded04.09.2004 19:50:29 / Tommy Bonez
Downloads8649 / 24.01.2025 07:04:53
DescriptionAirport Map by Semok & Fraggel
CTF , TDM , DM ... and COOP
50 VCs , 16 players

Very Big and Unique !

Comments (6) Add comment

21.12.2007 11:26:25 by Stiller
hm, nice try but those apache helicopters should not be there, didn't exist already in the times of the vietnam war! make a new version and use the regular Bell, Chinook or Cobra instead! all existed and were in service!

21.12.2007 11:38:59 by Stiller
hm, nice try but those comanche helicopters should not be there on the airfield, didn't exist already in the times of the vietnam war! make a new version and use the regular Bell Huey, Chinook or Cobra instead! all existed and were in service!

18.11.2008 13:50:09 by Joey =NL=
nice old map one of the first coop maps i played

02.01.2009 20:32:54 by Faster John
Nice terrain but felt asleep. easy and soporific coop

10.02.2011 21:01:55 by CZECH
Best map i ever play!

12.04.2018 20:33:17 by Tarzan
Nice mission

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma