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Vietcong (151) Download Link to file
Size4996 KB
Uploaded29.06.2004 07:36:20 / WRX_02_227
Downloads4535 / 24.01.2025 07:05:14
DescriptionArroyoXtremeUST2S by WRX_02_227

The first map that I ever did Coop for was Arroyo, needed an improved version..and here it is. I love Arroyo because with all the cover to hide behind and move to, it is great for a good firefight.

Supports Coop only!

- 10 player Coop support

- VC have different weapons and skins (my original were all black pajamas and AK-47s)

- WRX's new AI coding

- Better AI movement

- And last but not least... a few twists and tricks...but you have to find those yourself ;-)


Comments (1) Add comment

09.04.2018 23:21:21 by Tarzan
Nice mission

Last updated 20.3.2004 12:39:44 / Don Turtuma